
Banrión na Bóinne, Galway Hooker on the hard for restoration in Connemara

While it’s all quiet on the Cambria front, I thought I’d sneak in another Galway Hooker photo, this one up on the hard getting some TLC from the local shipwrights up an inlet in Connemara. The name on her is Banrión na Bóinne which according to our trusty dictionary, translates as Queen of the Ladybirds. This photo shows very well the deep bellied hull and keel and the characteristic “tumble-home” of the hull; where the width of the hull at the rails is much less than the width lower down. Flat bottomed barge, she is not! Incidentally there is a very good book on the subject of these craft should you be interested, “The Galway Hookers” by Richard J Scott (pub Ward River Press, 1983/1985, ISBN 0-907085-58-X  currently out of print but freely available on the well know book dealer internet sites).


Incidentally, the Galway Hooker Association have a website on