The Cambria Trust is proud to acknowledge the support of the following organizations and individuals during the restoration phase:
Heritage Lottery Fund
Port of London Authority
Swale Borough Council
Mrs Angela Yeoman OBE DL
The Bernard Sunley Charitable Foundation
The Ernest Cook Trust
The Worshipful Company of Shipwrights
The Rank Foundation
Cleanaway Ltd
Peel Ports Ltd
Tate & Lyle Ltd
Pfizer Ltd
Sita UK
Company of Watermen and Lightermen of the River Thames
Garfield Weston Foundation
J Phillips Engineering Ltd
Invicta Engineering
Worshipful Company of Master Mariners
Standard Quay Ltd.
Rochester Independent College
Mr David Allen
Oakwood Container Services
The Barnes Warden Family
The Cambria Trust gratefully acknowledges the continuing support of the following Active Partners:
Port of London Authority
Rotary District 1120
Sea Change Sailing Trust