Mighty Oak Brewing banner; Picture by Annie Meadows of SB Kitty

Mighty Oak Brewing banner; Picture by Annie Meadows of SB Kitty

Cambria turns dray-man! For a bit of fun, Sea Change Sailing Trust have linked up with Mighty Oak Brewing, the brewers of the “Captain Bob” brand of beer, which we have featured on this blog previously to make some deliveries from Maldon to coastal and waterways pubs. Annie Meadows of SB Kitty fame has managed to capture the spirit of the event in this picture which shows a superb banner created to link the Cambria Trust, Sea Change and Mighty Oak. Excellent banner, guys! In “Cambria Watch” meanwhile, Hilary Halajko is experiencing internet problems (Bob Roberts never complained of that, Hilary!) so is reduced to texting. “Into Maldon with Cambria this evening for victualling and tomorrow for loading ale from Mighty Oak for distribution to some of their coastal outlets over the next week or two. This is part of our first extended YSS voyage on the east coast this summer.
We will also be carrying in depth information courtesy of Drinkaware to ensure a balanced view.” Richard Tichener, I know, keeps a ‘dry’ ship, so don’t go thinking all this beer will be drunk by the crew en route. Dave Brooks adds “Cambria continues her tour of the East Coast with our friends from Sea Change. Hilary reports that loading went well. (Captain Bob Beer from the Mighty Oak Brewery). They are leaving Maldon tomorrow at 7am and are bound for Brightlingsea.”

Fair winds, Cambria!